• Muséu Etnográficu de la Llechería

Museu Etnográficu de la Llechería


The museum is in La Foz de Morcín, 15 km from Oviedo. In 1990, the Commission organizing the Certamen de Quesu d’Afuega’l Pitu proposed it. In 1993 the City Council of Morcín and the Association called Hermandad de La Probe set up the Association “Friends of the Cheese” that starts to search and recover different objects, and develops an important investigative work.

The museum opened its doors in 1993 aiming at gathering, studying and informing about the different aspects of the traditional lore and technology of milk and dairy products, as well as traditional uses and customs. Since 1993 it has been promoting itinerant exhibitions around Asturias and organizing two annual shows: one in January during the event of the Certamen de Quesu d’Afuega’l Pitu, and another one in September during the Fair of Asturian Craft Cheese. Furthermore, the museum has edited several publications and videos on Asturian milk industry.

The collection of the museum includes more than five hundred pieces, most of which were obtained in Asturian villages, that are distributed in four different sections: cattle, milk, butter and cheese. Moreover, the museum has an audiovisual room, a specialized library and a documentary archive.

The visit focuses on the following aspects: methods used traditionally to make butter, utensils and their evolution, the sale of products at the markets and their export.

A good collection of tools to make butter are also shown, namely: odres, botías and firidoras to mazar the butter, as well as some centrifugal skimmers and tools for kneading. Another section shows different types of moulds, stamps, press machines, kneading machinery and other tools used by the traditional societies to elaborate different varieties of cheese (of bota or odre, or vexiga, or concu, of Caso, of Cabrales, etc.).

Morcín is located in the central mountain area of Asturias and is part of the protected Sierra del Aramo, which has a great fauna and landscape importance. This range of mountains also hosts numerous cattle.

Address and phone

Carretera General, 43
33161 La Foz de Morcín (Morcín)

Tel. 667 81 11 64

Opening Hours

Monday to Saturday
From 11.00 to 14.00

Book a visit by calling 667 81 11 64

Closed on Sundays and public holidays.


Individual ticket: 3 euros
Groups ticket: 2 euros



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